when amy stein came to give a lecture at my school last year, she took a small stab at ryan mcginley and his work. this was after she spent most of the lecture going through some of her images from domesticated and stranded, and explaining what went into making these images and the stories behind them. it wasn't until after i heard the stories and ideas behind them that i kinda appreciated her work, so for me i don't think her work is very successful, due to the fact it took her lengthy explanation for me to particularly appreciate her work. but back to the main point of this post, near the end of lecture made a backhanded comment about mcginley.
stein said something to the effect that she really didn't know why mcginley was so popular right now due to his semi snapshot style. it seems to me that stein's major quarrel with mcginley's work is he doesn't put enough work into his images because he doesn't set up a scene like she did with her work in domesticated and doesn't lug a large a camera around like she does, hence her description of mcginley's work as "snap shot style."
recently i came across stein's website and i was surprised to find several posts involving mcginley's work. i found this strange due to the fact her comments at the lecture gave me the impression that she possessed a real fan of his work. i do believe that my interpretation of her opinion of mcginley is correct though, due to this post from stein's blog...
'The other day my husband asked me, "what's the significant difference between the work of Ryan McGinley and Spencer Tunick?"
He continued, "they both construct nude-filled landscapes."
At first I laughed, but the more I thought about it...
Is the difference a sense of order versus the illusion of spontaneity? Or, is the difference merely that Ryan McGinley chooses hotter models?'
regardless of stein's opinions of mcginley's work, i really love it. even though mcginley may use to a snapshot style or snapshot methods to create his work i don't mind. for the most part i do find snapshot photography very troublesome, but when it produces images that appear to be from another world, i think it's completely acceptable.
so now, prepare yourself for a large amount of mcginley's work, due to the fact i found it very difficult just to choose a couple of mcginley's images...