I was recently looking at some photos, by Victor Cobo, from a series entitled "Remember When You Loved Me." While looking at these photos I began to question his (and just about every other contemporary photographer's) use of flash. I'm not sure if Cobo's or these other photographers use of flash do anything for their photographs. Do they bring something to the photograph that couldn't be achieved with carefully place lights? Is the use of the flash an act of laziness or a very conscious decision? The answers to these questions are unknown to me, but it is very apparent to me that this use if very common amongst the snap shot style photography that is popular right now. Perhaps the flash is there to achieve this look of snap shot photography. This leads me to my finally question, does this snap shot style photography even produce successful images? I still can't decide...
some of Victor Cobo's images from "Remember When You Loved Me":
:) "I done make these art"