Saturday, February 13, 2010

Alex Prager is a FOX!!!

there's something i really enjoy about alex prager's work, and it's not just her beautiful models dressed in retro clothing ( i do really enjoy that though). all of her photos seem to be a still from some movie you've never seen, i always enjoy photos that appear to be yanked right out of a film. there is also something very simple about all of prager's photos, take all these for example...

all of prager's photos seem so obtainable because of their simplicity. when broken down this photograph is simply a figure, a bird, the ocean, and the sky. even the distant horizon line doesn't complicate things because there's nothing really out there, just simplicity.

another simple picture just of a girl laying on patterned rug. i also enjoy how prager only seems to use 3 or maybe 5 colors at most in her photographs.

pragner includes very few elements in her photographs, there are very little objects or props involved.

even with the inclusion of buildings in the background, the photos do not become complicated. this is because the building and background just seem to become simplified into shapes and colors

another simple setting, with few colors, and the colors that are there are used perfectly to bring your eye to the subject

once again, you can see here simplicity, the use of color as emphasis, and the simplification of a background into shapes.

even as prager moves further away from her subjects, nothing becomes complicated

prager often seems to use the sky as a back drop which helps keep things simple, and once again makes her photographs seem obtainable

black empty backgrounds and simple lighting also work similarly to the use if sky, to create a simple background and simple photograph, with emphasis on the subject

oh yea, and on top of all this, ALEX PRAGER IS A FOX!!!

look at her! and look how big her prints are!!

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