Monday, March 8, 2010

Glenn Sloggett

there is a simplicity to slogett's work that i really appreciate. in most of his photographs there is something that is really evident as the main subject of the picture or something that really becomes overwhelming in the composition, causing it to become the focal point. i find going out into the world and creating an image that is so obviously about one thing can sometimes be difficult. this is because you have to take into account all the other shapes and objects that fall into your frame. slogget does a good job of getting a just the right distance so that no other shapes or objects in the composition become distracting or overwhelming, the simply become part of the background. slogett's choice of distance also helps to make one object the focal point of his pictures without making it troublesomely abstract. this object is usually close to the center of the frame, if not directly in the center of the frame, which definitely helps it to become the focal point and also helps out with the simplicity of the photograph.

another thing that contributes to the simplicity of slogett's photographs is the square format. the square format is very conducive to slogett's placing of the subject in the center of the frame, it becomes simple, direct, and allows the main subject to dominate the frame. another thing the square format does is it makes it very apparent that slogett has placed his subject in the center of the frame, which really helps his work function as a series.

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